Many are called, some are chosen, but even fewer are willing to endure. In the end, those who endure this call will grow as bannermen of the charge that move the mission forward.

A brother once told me,

“You will suffer and you will be crucified, but it is all for the love of God.”


Although this statement sounded intimidating, it was integral to my formation as a leader. At that moment, I convinced myself that I was meant to pursue great acts of heroism. In other words, I was ready to endure and suffer difficult trials that would allow me to lead a life worth remembering.

To my surprise, however, I experienced no conversion of heart, no moments of revelation, and not even moments when I felt great heroism. I pondered, “Was I not worthy of these?”

To replace these bright tales of faith, I realized that I was left enduring a long and exhausting road. This road felt “lackluster”, built with constant defeats, setbacks, and failures. For many years, these trials appeared as repetitive and tiresome tasks: finding the time to study, making time to pray, spending time with loved ones, and allowing time for reflection and peace. It all came down to how I managed and organized my time and eventually, these trials that seemed insignificant at first became the same ones that latched on to my heart and wore out my spirit.

Looking back at my journey, I finally understood that my downfall was not caused by an epic trial of good versus evil. Rather, it was caused by my reluctance to endure the “little” trials that I deemed unworthy of my faith. This understanding showed me that because I forgot to acknowledge God over ALL things, the effect of sin influenced how I perceived my ability to carry life’s trials and my ability to grow as a leader.

Walking this lackluster road of constant defeats, setbacks, and failures taught me that there was no trial – big or small – impossible for me to overcome without the grace of God. Sometimes, we may find no splendor on the road we walk on and no control over the path given to us. We may not control the mountains we climb, rivers we swim, and storms we face. However, what we do have control over is the decision to take another small step forward in faith.

This journey reminded me that I was truly worthy of living a life of self-sacrificial love, given to me by enduring a long road of constant faith and surrender.

So dear reader, wherever you are on your journey, say “Yes!” in taking another step forward and become the light for those trying to find their way. Be bold in accepting your path, regardless of how lackluster or insignificant it may seem.


Endure the road because in the end, it will be worth the call and it will be worth the mission.


Justin Ramos – Brother Regional Music Ministry Head | CFC-Youth Pacific Region