The American CFC-Youths kneel while Canadian CFC-Youths pray over them on the morning of Sunday, October 20, 2013. (Photo: Jesse Roca)

We continue our #CFCYouthNALS #OneNewWorld coverage with shares from our brothers and sisters south of the 49th parallel. This is the first of two parts with seven shares coming from the Northwest, Southwest, and Northeast Regions.


Kevin Tatunay, 14, Area Head, Washington, Northwest Region

At NALS both my coordinators and I were able to learn so many key factors of leadership! Being able to worship alongside some of the greatest leaders across North America has been such a blessing and it was exactly what i needed to keep me going! This experience has shown me where I am in leadership and what I need to do to improve!

Joseph Nufable, 21, Sector Head, Northern California, Southwest Region

The leaders before me have gone through great lengths to instill in me a servant-leadership: a Christ-like leadership. In every session, every reflection, every new encounter, and every worship at NALS, that tradition of servant-leadership was reaffirmed in deeper, more relevant tones. Also, the summit was a spiritual realignment with the Lord, as well as an organizational realignment with the traditions and future plans of the ministry. Nothing is more empowering than knowing the next step to take in the ministry, and knowing the Spirit is behind you on it. All Glory and praises go to God for NALS!

Diana Banasan, 27, Sector Head, Northern California, Southwest Region

I have been in the community for over 12 years now, and still I can say that the mission of Jesus Christ is alive and well in CFC Youth! NALS was a glimpse of what we can really do when we trust in our faithful God, and the proof of that trust was evident in the lives of the speakers and Full-Time Pastoral Workers. I am inspired to keep loving and serving. NALS has given my counterpart, CCs, and I the practical tools to empower our area. I am grateful to have encountered Jesus through my brothers and sisters in North America. Deo Gloria!

Godwin Cajes, 20, Household Head, New Jersey, Northeast Region

NALS was probably one of the best experiences that I had as a leader, especially since there hasn’t been any kind of leaders retreat in my region, at least. I was able to learn what it took to be a great leader to our own youth in our areas and I can’t wait to take that knowledge back to my state and region. I really pray that the U.S. and Canada are able to work together sometime very soon so that we will be able strength our relationship as one continent. (And be able to conquer Mexico as well!)

Marc Cadag, 18, Household Head, New Jersey, Northeast Region

NALS was simply extraordinary. The maturity of the leaders, the knowledge of the speakers, and the extravagant worships/Praisefests were just some of the highlights of the weekend. The bonds that were created, not only between both countries but also within the individual countries, will last forever. My expectation for NALS was that it was going to be a fun learning experience; however, it was so much more. NALS helped me to affirm my role as a leader and to strive to continue serving my brothers, sisters, and God. I look forward to the future with excitement as One New World.

Anjelo Rocero, 19, Household Head, Pennsylvania, Northeast Region

At NALS, I was able to meet brothers and sisters across the border that really inspired me to keep pressing onward in the mission. I also gained a new family that I can lean on. NALS changed my heart and mind and I am excited to serve the Lord.

Kuya Ronnie Gonzaga, 32, Full-Time Pastoral Worker: Campus, National, and Hispanic Missions, Maryland, Northeast Region

At NALS, I was able to witness CFC-Youth USA and Canada become reunited again after several years of hardly any communication between the leaders of the two countries. After seeing CFC-Youth Canada step it up the past few years and being inspired so much by them, I envisioned CFC-Youth USA to be more united with our global community and wanted the members to start experiencing more activities outside the U.S. so that they would see the bigger picture of our community. True enough, I saw it happen with the U.S. leaders at the NALS and look forward to collaborating more with Canada in the future!