Kevin Muico (back to camera), a full-time pastoral worker for Canada, leads morning worship at the North American Leaders Summit on Saturday morning, October 19, 2013. (Photo: Jesse Roca)

The North American Leaders Summit (NALS) was reminiscent of the mission and vision of CFC-Youth at the CLF (Continental Leaders’ Forum) in 2004. It was a calling to restore the same spirit of greatness left to us by our previous leaders. When I was a youth member, I came from a generation of greatness, a generation of leaders that were willing to “bleed” for the mission of God in community. They took large strides by committing to fasts that would humiliate them for the sake of God’s glory. They committed to fasting haircuts, video games or even their love life for a whole year—all for the sake of the mission! Their sacrifices inspired others to strive for greatness and to bleed with an overwhelming love for Christ. I believe that our goals at the time were achieved because of their sacrifices. With all of the trials our community faced in the years after, we (USA) became jaded and lost that calling to greatness. We sustained but we also settled.

After attending NALS, I feel empowered more than ever to lead and inspire youth leaders at home to strive for that same greatness. This generation of youth is in need of and deserving of their own set of heroes that will inspire them to want to leave a legacy for others to follow. NALS is calling us to “live out loud” the mission of CFC-Youth and to magnify God in a greater way than ever before. Our call to greatness today will be fulfilled by the call to graciousness. Living a life of grace would mean that we are people that are extra loving, extra forgiving, extra prayerful, extra passionate, extra everything good. Graciousness will lead others to God because His character will be reflected in us by His grace. It will take a lot of work and even drastic measures to instill this calling but it will be worth it!

Being reunited with our family in Canada was also a reminder that God’s hand is in everything. Being realigned in our organizational structure, goals, mission, vision and spirit, we are united and better suited to accomplish all things in His name. God is working in every leader, everywhere. Praise God for the call to mission, the call to bleed again. Let us all answer the call to greatness by being part of the new generation of heroes! May God be glorified in everything!

Lourdes Castro, 28, Mission Volunteer, CFC-Youth USA
San Diego-South Riverside, Cluster C, Southern California, Southwest Region